Love for love, for money, or for sex???

+++ Many days ago, I was watching one show talk about love. After I watched this movie & I started to wonder what is love? 
+ Is it love for love? Or love for money? Or love for sex? The guy in this show always said: for me, love just for sex, we needed love cos for sex, without sex we cn't love. However, the girl in this movie said: No, if one day U cn find the true love, so love not for sex anymore. It's mean love for love... . Fucking.. is it true love will happen for me? For this time or until I near die ready just true love come?? I dunno which one is true???? I think around my age, they're just playing with love, n may love for sex. However, may we find the true love, it'll be love for love. Bullshit love now.... .